
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Welcome to "The Maniac's Gym"

Hello, and welcome to The Maniac’s Gym.  My name is Paul, but as my close friends call me when I’m in, talking about, reading about, or dreaming about the gym, it’s “Maniac”.   

A little bit about me and how I got into fitness first. My older brother got a Weider weight bench for Christmas one year when I was very young. Watching my brother, I became fascinated with lifting and getting stronger, because I didn't know there was a way I could change my body. Later I got into wrestling in the 7th grade, and once I got to high school I was amazed at the changes that I was responsible for in my body. By the time I was a senior I was hands down one of the strongest wrestlers in my weight class of 125lbs. (Although not nearly the best.) I choose not to further my wrestling career through college. During my first year in college, wrestling season came and went and I was absolutely lost. I didn't know how to fill the time I normally spent wrestling. I started off throwing weight around in the gym not really knowing what I was doing. Eventually I started reading bodybuilding books and was able better train myself with my newly acquired knowledge. I am continuing to mature and develop my knowledge and skills towards working out and obtaining the body I desire.

Which brings me to what I am up to now, I vowed back in 2009 that I would consistently workout for a year straight.  None of this workout for a few months then quit for a few months business.  Well, one year turned into two years and I absolutely loved every day of it!  Then in April of this year a series of events had me put my workout life on hold, and now I’m looking to get back on the horse again!

Here is a couple pictures of me one year ago..

And these are some pictures of me now…

I’m so distraught, back in April I was at my peak at the end of a mass gain phase.  I was 195lbs and only about 13% body fat.  I was the biggest I ever looked and stronger than ever.  Unfortunately I’m about 160lbs now and still about 13% body fat.  I had dreams of doing my first bodybuilding show, but all of that is out the window at this point.

This blog is going to chronicle my climb back to where I was before, and along the way I’m going to share with you my tips, tricks, and secrets regarding my diets, supplements, and workouts.  So follow along with me as I post my progress and how I’m doing what I am doing each and every week.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paul,

    Man, you're going to get there again, probably even better than before. Great blog you have here.

